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Specialty Treatment TECHNIQUES

In addition to traditional therapy techniques, our therapists also have advanced training and certification in the following specialty treatment techniques: 


Clinicians Certified:

Molly Crispin, MSPT; Julia Richardson, MSPT; Tanna Maurer, DPT; John Phinney, MSPT


Dry needling is a form of manual therapy and is used to treat chronic conditions and restriction of motion. This is accomplished by inserting a needle into contracted muscles increasing circulation, increasing venous and lymphatic drainage, and stimulating the stretch reflex of muscles and overlying fascia. 


As in most tissue, irritation of fascia or muscles causes local inflammation. Chronic inflammation results in fibrosis, or thickening of connective tissue, and this thickening causes pain and irritation, resulting in reflexive muscle tension that causes more inflammation. In this way, the cycle creates a positive feedback loop and can result in ischemia even in the absence of the original offending agent. Dry needling aims to break this cycle through direct needling of contracted muscle tissue. 


It is used to treat some of the following conditions: 

  1. Tendinitis or Tendinosis 

  2. Overuse syndromes

  3. Headaches

  4. TMJ syndrome

  5. Chronic Back pain 

  6. Chronic Neck pain

Muscle Energy Technique

Clinicians Certified: Julia Richardson, MSPT, Molly Crispin, MSPT, Tanna Maurer, DPT  


Muscle Energy Technique is a type of osteopathis manipulative treatment used in osteopathic medicine and physical therapy. Muscle energy techniques are used to treat somatic dysfunction, especially decreased range of motion, muscular hypertonicity, and pain. 


Muscle energy techniques can be employed to reporiotn a dysfunctional joint and treat the affected musculature. 


It is used for some of the following conditions: 

  1. Muscular shortening 

  2. Low back pain 

  3. Pelvic imbalance 

  4. Edema

  5. Limited range of motion 

  6. Somatic dysfunction 

  7. Cervicogenic headaches 

Graston Technique®

Clinicians Certified:  

Julia Richardson, MSPT, Molly Crispin, MSPT



The goal of instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization is to break up inelastic or fibrous muscle tissue (called 'myofascial adhesions') such as scar tissue from a back injury, move tissue fluids, and relax muscle tension. Our therapists have been instructed in Graston Technique®, an innovative, evidence-based form of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization that enables clinicians to effectively break down scar tissue and fascial restrictions. The technique utilizes specially designed stainless steel instruments to specifically detect and effectively treat areas exhibiting soft tissue fibrosis or chronic inflammation.


It is used for some of the following conditions: 

  1. Acute and Chronic soft tissue injuries

  2. Restricted joint motion due to immobilization 

  3. Low back pain 

  4. Neck pain 

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Clinicians Certified:  Tanna Maurer DPT


Myofascial Decompression (also known as “Cup Therapy”) works to combine decompressive therapy technique with movement in order to release fascial adhesions, increase mobility, and improve muscle function. This is achieved through applying negative pressure devices (cup) to areas of myofascial adhesions while working through various movements which increases the space between tissue layers and providing better mobility along fascial lines.  

Treatment consists of a manual portion using cups to improve mobility followed by a series of therapeutic exercises for neuromuscular education. MFD is supported by Janda’s theory of muscle imbalances where relaxing over-activated muscles allows for activation of others that have been inhibited. There is a wide variety of dysfunctions that can be treated through myofascial decompression.

Treatment for:

  1. Chronic back pain

  2. Flexion Contractures

  3. Patella Femoral Pain Syndrome

  4. Rib Dysfunctions

  5. Shoulder Impingement

  6. Muscle Strains

  7. Bicep Tendonosis

  8. Nerve Entrapments

  9. Upper Trap Overuse

  10. Chronic Hamstring Tension

  11. Post-op Scar Tissues

  12. Scoliotic Soft Tissue Changes



  • MDT or the McKenzie Method was developed by New Zealand born Physiotherapist Robin McKenzie to treat mechanical back pain. It has since evolved to be a comprehensive and systematic assessment, evaluation and treatment method for the spine and extremities using movement as its primary method of assessment and treatment. MDT, especially when paired with proper patient education, can help to identify certain movement patterns that may be associated with movement sensitivity and pain and those movements that may used to reduce symptoms.

  • The McKenzie method’s focus on movement for treatment and assessment allows the patient to better understand their body’s responses to movement in the clinic and at home which empowers them to be able to manage and reduce symptoms even at home. Through the selected movement therapies the patient can reduce their symptoms, improve joint mechanics and overall mobility in order to return to their normal way of life.


Clinicians Certified: Julia Richardson, MSPT 

Molly Crispin, MSPT


Craniosacral therapy (also referred to as CST) is an alternative medicine therapy. A craniosacral therapy session involves the therapist placing their hands on the patient, which allows them to tune into what they call the craniosacral rhythm. 


The practitioner gently works with the spine and the skull and it cranial sutures, diaphragms, and fascia. This can ease the restrictions of nerve passages, movement of cerebrospinal fluid through the spinal cord, and free restrictions that are contributing to joint restriction and misaligned bones. 


It is used to treat some of the following conditions including: 

  1. Mental stress

  2. Neck pain

  3. Back pain 

  4. Migraines

  5. TMJ syndrome 

  6. Traumatic Brain Syndrome 

  7. Fibromyalgia

Blood Flow Restriction

Clinicians:  Tanna Maurer, DPT


Blood flow restriction therapy is primarily used to improve muscle hypertrophy, as well as prevent muscle atrophy, without the joint stress typically required during heavy resistance training. This is most effective when used in post-op populations, especially those that require a period of non-weight bearing.


This is a growing area with a vast amount of research support. Current research indicates benefit for tendonitis, sports injuries, chronic joint pain, and other areas. Blood flow restriction allows for muscle changes to occur (similar to heavy lifting) while performing safe, lower level exercises. It is safe for patients when performed with the correct equipment and monitored by our trained professionals.


Alpine Therapy uses a device that monitors limb occlusal pressure throughout the treatment and adjusts as needed during exercise to maintain safe levels.

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Mulligan Concept

The Mulligan concept was designed by New Zealand Physiotherapist Brian Mulligan.  The theory is that pain or loss of function in the articular system may be caused by altered joint biomechanics, joint positional faults (static mal-alignment of the joint), or faulty dynamic tracking.  The primary principle of treatment, therefore, is restoring the normal articular alignment and tracking to decrease pain and improve mobility and lost function.  Repeated movements with the manually restored alignment should restore motion "memory" and help to maintain "correction" of the faulty mechanics.  Therapists trained in this method have the ability to provide quick and effective treatment directly to the source of pain or restriction to provide immediate relief. 


​Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy involves the treatment of dizziness due to issues such as inner ear disorders.   Symptoms treated by this issue include dizziness, visual disturbance, vertigo and/or imbalance. 


Therapy involves techniques which can reduce or eliminate the symptoms and greatly improve balance. Rehabilitation therapy includes treatments for Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV), unilateral/bilateral vestibular loss, vertiginous migraine, peripheral lesions/injury, central deconditioning/adaptation, cervicogenic dizziness, concussion and Mal De Debarquement.


Clinicians Certified:  All


  • Pain is something that most people will experience at various points in their lives and it comes in many different forms with a tremendous amount of variety and variability. This is in part because the experience of pain is influenced by many factors beyond what most people assume is merely based on tissue damage or injury. 

  • We now know that all pain is generated within the Nervous System and can be influenced by its central components (the brain and spinal cord) and peripheral components (peripheral nerves, receptors) as well as the traditional components of the musculoskeletal system. But pain can also be influenced by less physical factors such as thoughts, feelings, expectations, experience and stress. 


Main Office

1310 Baker St.

Longmont, CO 80501

Tel: 303.772.2255

Fax: 303.774.1395



Alpine East Office

1566 Vista View Dr. 

Longmont, CO 80504

Tel: 720.266.7100

Fax: 720.367.0797

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